Welcome Administrator  
Installation Guide

Thank you for using Scanraid Surveys. This guide will help you install the software. Please email us at surveys@scanraid.com if you find anything lacking in this guide. Your comments will help us improve the product and the documentation.

Documentation on Creating Surveys is here.

  1. Installing the scripts
  2. Setting up the Database with ODBC
  3. Options in the Global.asa file
  4. Querystring Parameter Encryption
  5. The Default Users

Installing the scripts

This guide assumes you are familiar with Windows IIS (Internet Information Services).

  1. You should unzip the file you downloaded and copy the files into a directory on your web server. Make sure the graphics files are in a sub-directory called images.
  2. Create a Virtual Directory in IIS that points to the scripts directory. You should allow scripts to execute but nothing else.
  3. Change the default page to SRSlogin.asp
Continue to the next section.

Setting up the Database with ODBC

  1. When you unzipped the download file you will have placed the database in the same directory as the scripts. It is time to move this out of there (where anyone could download it) into a private data directory. Normally this is parallel to the scripts directory.
  2. In the Windows Control Panel under Administrative Tools you will find Data Sources (ODBC). Double click on that to open it. Select System DSN and then click Add. Search for Microsoft Access Driver (*.MDB). Click on Finish.
  3. The new window that pops up contains three things you need to complete. The Data Source Name must be ScanraidSurveys. Set the Description to be the same. Click on Select and go and find the Access MDB file you put in the private data directory. Once selected press OK and exit the ODBC Manager
Note: You should check that you have inherited permissions on the scripts and data directory so that the anonymous IIS user can read these directories. The user name will be of the form IUSR_<servername> where servername is the name of your server.

You new Scanraid Surveys system is ready. Check that you can see SRSLogin.asp in your browser.

Options in the Global.asa file

A number of configuration options are available for tweaking in the global.asa file. This is a special script files which always runs when a user goes to the web site for the first time. (Note: Changing this file will cause all existing users on the site to loose their session).

You can change the following:

  • The connection string. The default connection string is for the ODBC you have just set up:

    Application("ConnStr") = "DATABASE=ScanraidSurveys;UID=Admin;PWD=;DSN=ScanraidSurveys"
    You can change the DSN name if you need to set up a second or third Survey system on the same web server - however - the survey system is designed to handle lots of surveys and you should only set up a second database if you want the administration to be completely separate.

    If you don't have access to the ODBC manager you can specify the database using a different method:
    Application("ConnStr") = "DBQ=D:/Inetpub/Wwwroot/www.mydomain.com/data/ScanraidSurveys.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
    Just make sure you get the exact path.

  • The default date format. This is set to British dates (dd/mm/yyyy) but if you uncomment the US one and comment out the British one you default dates will be mm/dd/yyyy. The effect of this is to inform the database on how to interpret ambiguous date entries such as '2/3/2004'. The lines in the global.asa are:
    ' Session.LCID = 1033 'This is the English(United States) format.
      Session.LCID = 2057 'This is the English(British) format

  • Querystring Parameter Encryption. There are two ways to set this
    session("Encrypt") = "Off"
    session("Encrypt") = "Hard"
    By default this is Off.
    But if you plan to use the parameter encryption for security then see the next section.

  • Login Cookie Option. Setting the Applicationvariavle LoginCookieOption to true or false will cause the 'Remember Me' tick box to appear or not on the Login Page. We recognise that it is useful to store the user name as a cookie when if you expect respondees to come back, but it is not appropriate if users are one-time respondees. Entirely depends on the type of survey you are setting up.

Querystring Parameter Encryption

Survey and user identifiers (no more than numbers) are passed around from script to script. This is fine if you are in a trusted environment but if you intend to use Scanraid Surveys on the Internet where you don't know who your respondees will be - then some additional security is advised.

The component we have selected to encrypt the parameter strings is called URL Encrypt. It is not a Scanraid component but is it free to download from http://a1lab.com. We also have a copy on our server which you can download. It includes a setup program which will install on your web server - for which you will require administrator rights. The component is very useful for any kind of web site and by installing it it will be available for other sites on your web server.

once you have installed URL Encrypt change the global.asa file as described above so that
session("Encrypt") = "Hard".

The Default Users

There are two default users in the database which comes supplied with this software.

  • Guest. password 'guest'. The Guest user allows anyone to login and view the administration system and run any survey. This sounds dangerous but infact it is entirely passive. Any changes made to any forms are ignored when the Guest user posts. The purpose of Guest is to demonstrate or train other users. They cannot do any damage in guest mode and your database will be untouched. If you don't want a guest user then delete him from the list of users.

  • Administrator. You get into the system for the first time we have set up a user called Administrator with the password 'administrator'. Your MUST take over this user by overwriting the user name and password, or anyone will be able to get in.

Happy Surveying!

Don't forget to read up on how to create a survey here. Example surveys are included in the database which you can keep or delete.

Scanraid Ltd www.andrewpougher.co.uk